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College Bound DIY

Loaded Lumber

Do you have a student headed to college? There are so many ways to personalize their dorm rooms to help them remember where they came from - because you know they won't be calling everyday!

Buffalo Signs can be customized for any dorm room to match the decor, remind them where to go home on breaks or throw in the colors of their fave sports team.

Key Hanger - Make sure their keys never get lost with a custom Dorm Sweet Dorm sign. Or, add any custom quote or wording!

Here's a few other tips & tricks for moving into that dorm room and organizing it too.

- Ikea Bags: These bags hold up to 45 pounds and you can wear them as a backpack. Perfect when your trekking up 3 flights of stairs to move in your student!

- Cube Storage: Perfect for next to their bed as a night stand, plus customize with colored cubes to match their dorm room decor.

- Bedside Caddy: They can slip their phone, glasses, a book, water bottle, or anything else they need to keep at arms reach when in bed.

- Fridge/Microwave Cart: Lets face it, the room is small and you need to maximize space. This cart is perfect for the fridge, microwave and coffee maker all in one spot.


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